[Insight-users] A problem of image border when using itk::ResampleImageFilter!

Jun Xiong junxiongcn at gmail.com
Sun Aug 10 10:16:58 EDT 2008

Dear all,

   I have a question about the image border interpolation question
when using  ResampleImageFilter.  If i use itk::ResampleImageFilter to
resample an image to a bigger size, the area around the image border
(about half of the Spacing value), are NOT interpolated and as a
result the borders are fade to the default pixel value of the
resampling filter.  For example, if i resample a  slice(256*256) from
the volume(size:128*128*64) in the x-z orientation(using the same
spacing), the result image only contains 126 line effective data in
the middle, others are default value.  It seems that, the outer half
of the image border are not interpolated and their values were set as
the default value directly.
  If i use the PadImageFilter to pad the volume with one pixel, the
result image contains 130 lines effective data. How can i get a result
 image containing 128 lines.
   Thank you very much!

   Best regards!

 Jun Xiong

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