[Insight-users] Fast Marching segmentation on 3D image: an empty result volume

sara meghellati sara_meghellati at yahoo.fr
Wed Aug 27 11:25:39 EDT 2008

Thank you leila for your suggestions.
I have just build the Insight application, the configuration and the built are fine (102 projects) and now I want to run some of these apllications but I don't know how ? 
SNAP exist in InsightApplications but I couldn't found it in InsightApplicationsBin or in the VC Solution explorer ? how can I use it ?

--- En date de : Mer 27.8.08, Leila Baghdadi <baghdadi at phenogenomics.ca> a écrit :

De: Leila Baghdadi <baghdadi at phenogenomics.ca>
Objet: Re: [Insight-users] Fast Marching segmentation on 3D image: an empty result volume
À: sara_meghellati at yahoo.fr
Cc: "insight itk" <insight-users at itk.org>
Date: Mercredi 27 Août 2008, 16h11


Here is some advice on segmentation. 
When you first start using an algorithm, the best way is to visualize
the algorithm in action. So you need to use a program that allows you to
do that. Once you have figured out all the parameters you can use
command line programs!

I would suggest the SNAP program, it is part of InsightApplications and
it has a few version of level set implemented. You can open up your
image place your seed and see how it works. It has a few cool features
that allows you to preview the edge image and so on. (read the tutorial)

good luck


On Wed, 2008-27-08 at 14:04 +0000, sara meghellati wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry to ask again, I looked in the mailing list but I couldn't find
> an answer to my question.
> I'm now testing the level set segmentation code with 3D data. I have
> started with the fast marching based method. The code works well for
> 2D image but when I use 3D date (I use Patient1.mhd from
> http://public.kitware.com/pub/itk/Data/LiverTumor/) I get an empty
> volume as segmented image. I have checked the output of smoothing,
> gradient magnitude and the sigmoid and all are fine, just the output
> of the FastMarchingFilter is empty.
> To run this code I have used different seed points (for instance
> (160,200,6)) but the result still always empty.
> I used the same parameter as in page 539 of ItksoftwareGuide for left
> ventricle and I have used a stopping value of 100.
> Regarding the book, this code needs a good speed image to run well and
> the seed region should be near to the images edges. Perhaps the
> parameters I'm using are not suitable for this example so could you
> tell me the appropriate parameters That can be used to make this code
> running well for this example (Patient1.mhd)? or perhaps there
> is other thing wrong.
> Thank you in advance.
> Regards
> Sara
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