[Insight-users] Generalizing vesselness with respect to dimensionality and shape

Oleksandr Dzyubak adzyubak at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 17:30:51 EST 2008

Hi Luca,

Thanks for such an immediate response.
I tried all implementations you provided with your code and got similar 
For simplicity lets consider "MultiScaleObjectnessExample3D.cxx" where
I just commented some of your lines and added mine for noise suppression.
In the attachment I can find the code along with Eclipse.jpg which 
demonstrates the problem.

Let me know whether the attachment could go through.



Luca Antiga wrote:
> Dear Alex,
>  good test, it should become a test for all vesselness filters. As to
> your problem, can you please send me the code for your test? I'll take
> a look at it the next couple of days.
> Best regards
> Luca
> 2008/12/7, Oleksandr Dzyubak <adzyubak at gmail.com>:
>> Dear ITKers,
>> Recently I decided to give a try to "Generalizing vesselness with
>> respect to dimensionality and shape" from IJ
>> http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/175
>> with respect to various object recognition at different scales.
>> To make life easier, I generated an image with the white noise and six
>> Gaussian  3D lines
>> with diameters 20, 10, and 5 (isotropic voxels with1 mm size).
>> So everything is "homogeneous, isotropic, and symmetric".
>> The package comes with a set of tools and I chose "Frangi approach" at
>> this moment.
>> After playing with steer parameters, I was able to extract all six lines.
>> However the extracted objects had shapes that were not "perfectly"
>> rounded as expected but
>> rather having "3/4 sun eclipse" like shapes. Well, at first I though
>> that it is the noise what causes
>> such a behavior. So I regenerated the same images without noise.
>> But the result was the same "3/4 sun eclipse" like shapes.
>>  From the article by Frangi et al, it seems that shapes, positions,
>> and diameters have to be preserved if scale was chosen correctly (to
>> some extend, of course).
>> Am I missing something? What I am doing wrong?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Alex
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