[Insight-users] Segmentation fault reading an Analyze file

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 08:56:42 EST 2008


This certainly looks like a bug. I just checked the code for
itkAnalyzeImageIO.cxx. In ReadImageInformation there is a switch statement
on the data type and the code does nothing for RGB data. I'm not sure why it
wrote an image, it should throw an exception.

Can you submit a bug report?
Also, if you have a small RGB image pleased attach it to the bug report.



On Mon, Feb 4, 2008 at 5:37 AM, David Lambiel <dlambielitk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> When reading an Analyze file (hdr+img) that I just wrote a few second
> before, I jump into a "segmentation fault".
> My image is an RGB image with an unsigned short pixel type.
> ITK documentation tells me that an Analyze image file :
> > containing usually uncompressed voxel data for the images in one of the
> > several possible voxel formats:
> >
> >    - 24 bit RGB, 8 bits per channel
> >
> > Ok, so I imagine that my RGB-16bits-pixel will not be accepted for the
> Analyze format.
> Question is, why does it write the RGB-16bits-pixel without problem or
> warning, but cannot read it ?
> I think it would be more logical to be able to read/write or nothing.
> Or perhaps I'missing something...
> For info, I've no problem with the same data using a raw image file
> (mdh+raw).
> I could forward some code if necessary...
> Thanks
> David Lambiel
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> Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
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