[Insight-users] Apply a known deformation

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Feb 28 09:12:13 EST 2008

Hi Gabri,

You will find example code that follows Karthik's suggestion at


Take a look at the files:


You will find them described in the ITK Software Guide




Karthik Krishnan wrote:
> You could formulate a transform mathematically.
> For instance you can use an itk::ThinPlateSplineTransform. You would 
> specify a bunch of source and target landmarks to roughly achieve the 
> desired warping. Then explicitly generate a deformation field by 
> iterating over every voxel and computing the transformation. This would 
> the deformation field that you would use for validation.
> ( I must mention though that it is more customary to validate a 
> registration itself rather than the deformation field )
> --
> karthik
> On 2/27/08, *gabri* <tartuz at gmail.com <mailto:tartuz at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I need to build a Deformation field of known shape to find out the
>     correct  behaviour of the non rigid registation process i've been using
>     in my thesis.
>     In other words i need something like , in the rigid case, a tool that
>     could be used to apply a known rotation to a volume of interest.
>     This could be really usefull to verify the accuracy of the registration
>     tool.
>     Someone have some hints?
>     Best reguards,
>     Gabriele
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