[Insight-users] Error regarding ITKPatented.lib

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Feb 29 10:40:09 EST 2008

Hi Chitra,

You may have forgotten to enable the following CMake flag


You will see this flag if you go to the "Advanced" CMake

Please remember that you are not allowed to:

        * Use
        * Sell
        * Offer for sale
        * Import

devices (including software) that use patented methods,
unless you have a license from the patent holder.

Universities, and in general, research activities, are not
excluded from this requirements.

For more details on how patents obstruct the progress
of science and technology you may want to read:

     "University Inc",

    "Math you can't use"



Chitra Ramanathan wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a program that uses 
> "itkSimpleFuzzyConnectednessScalarImageFilter.h" from the ITK Package 
> which is present in the Patented folder and when i execute i get the 
> error cannot
> open file ITKPatented.lib. But i cannot find such file . Kindly help me out.
> Thanks.
> --
> Chitra
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