[Insight-users] Problem while reading dicom series --> wrong
positioning in the space
"Eliana M. Vásquez Osorio"
e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl
Tue Jan 29 05:32:04 EST 2008
Hello itk-users.
I came across a problem while reading dicom series. I got 100 slices of
512x512 pixels.
Checking the image tags with a viewer, I can see that the dicom header
'0020|1041': Slice Location vary between
1339.18 and 1636.12. And the '0020|0032': Image Position Patient vary
between [0, 0, -1339.18] and [0, 0, -1636.12] .
When I read the image, using ImageSeriesReader + GDCMImageIO, the volume
Z-coordinate vary between
-1339.18 and -1048.13.
I wonder is why the Z-coordinate changes the range from (-1636.12 and
-1339.18) to (-1339.18 and -1048.13)...
... Any idea?
I checked the Image Orientation tag '0020|0037', and it is 1\0\0\0\-1\0.
That will account for the minus in the Z, but not for the change in the
range. I think it's something related to the scaling, when it is defined...
Eliana M. Vásquez Osorio
PhD Student (OIO)
Erasmus Medical Center - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center
Department of Radiation Oncology
Groene Hilledijk 301
3075 EA Rotterdam
The Netherlands
T: +31 10 – 43 91 491
F: +31 10 – 43 91 012
E-mail: e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl
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