[Insight-users] Kappa Sigma Clipping typedef error

Oleksandr Dzyubak adzyubak at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 11:35:37 EDT 2008

Dear ITKers,

Some while ago I decided to test the Kappa Sigma Clipping algorithm which
I downloaded from the Insight-journal web page.


In the paper which comes with an archive there is an explanation
how to use it and, in particular, the lines describing the types of 
input/output images.

***********Begin code snippet*********
const int dim = 3;

typedef unsigned char PType;
typedef itk::Image< PType, dim > IType;
typedef itk::ImageFileReader< IType > ReaderType;

typedef itk::ImageFileWriter< IType > WriterType;
***********End code snippet*********

Of cousre, that is quite natural to keep an output segmented binary 
image as an  unsigned char type
but what about an input image. In my case I have input images in a 
signed short format and
if I change the typedef for the input to signed short, I get an error below.

******* Begin Error ************

dzyubak at debian: /BUILD$ make
Scanning dependencies of target check
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/check.dir/check.cxx.o
/mnt/Public/ITK_Test/Kappa_Sigma_Clipping/Src/check.cxx: In function 
'int main(int, char**)':
/mnt/Public/ITK_Test/Kappa_Sigma_Clipping/Src/check.cxx:42: error: no 
matching function for call to 'itk::ImageFileWriter<itk::Image<unsigned 
char, 3u> >::SetInput(itk::Image<short int, 3u>*)'
/usr/local/include/InsightToolkit/IO/itkImageFileWriter.txx:56: note: 
candidates are: void itk::ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>::SetInput(const 
TInputImage*) [with TInputImage = itk::Image<unsigned char, 3u>]
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/check.cxx.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
dzyubak at debian: /BUILD$

******* End Error ************

Does this mean that the algorithm can only work if the input type 
matches the output?
If it does, then I have to extend the pipeline so to include the 
rescaler, right?

I would appreciate any help on this matter.



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