[Insight-users] writing a volume on a dicom series

Niccolo' Camarlinghi niccolo.camarlinghi at pi.infn.it
Mon Jul 7 04:53:42 EDT 2008

Dear Mathieu,

Thank you for your answer

> What is the class of object you are writing ? 
the volume is a lung CT , i'm trying to write it with 
seriesWriter->SetImageIO( gdcmIO )
> Basically if you set
> 0008|0016 to something like MR Image Storage, the IPP is computed
> internally in itk::GDCMImageIO. 
0008|0016 is SOP Class UID do i have to set this to CT?
> Make sure that Origin & Spacing of
> your itk::Image is set properly.
I just verified that spacing and origin are correct
> On a Secondary Capture the IPP has no sense.
what do you mean by secondary?


Many Thanks

Niccolo' Camarlinghi

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