[Insight-users] How to implement the multi-planar reconstruction(MPR) using the ITK?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Jul 8 15:27:11 EDT 2008

Hi Jun,

In order to get the correct Versor, you need to take
the vector normal to the current slices that you have,
and the vector normal to the plane of slices that you
want to obtain, then compute the unit vector of these
two normals and do:

  1) compute the cross product: that will give you
            the vector that can be use as axis for
            the Versor.

  2) compute the dot product: that will give you
            the cosinus of the angle that you can
            set in the Versor (not that the units
            are radians, not degrees).

If you are not familiar with Versors (unit Quaternions)
you may want to take a look at the Tutorials:


in particular to:




Jun Xiong wrote:
> Hi Luis and itk users,
>      I'm sorry i can't understand the relationship between the planar
> equation with the versor and translation. Can you tell me how can i
> get the parameters of VersorRigid3DTransform when i know the planar
> equation or the normal. Thank you very much!
> With best regards!
>     Jun Xiong
> 2008/7/2, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>:
>>Hi 熊俊
>>                Welcome to ITK !
>>Yes, You can easily implement multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) in ITK.
>>MPR is simply a fancy (and now obsolete) name for
>>        "resampling an image in an arbitrary orientation"
>>It looks good in product descriptions though...   :-)
>>Please read the ITK Software Guide:
>>   http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
>>in particular the section on Geometrical Transformation,
>>where the use of the ResampleImageFilter is described.
>>The ITK components that you need to combine are:
>>  a) ResampleImageFilter
>>  b) VersorRigid3DTransform
>>  c) LinearInterpolator (or BSpline is you have
>>     a powerful computer and what a higher quality
>>     resampling.
>>You will find source code examples in
>>  Insight/Examples/
>>Set the Rigid transform  to the orientation of
>>slices that you want to obtain, and set the
>>parameters of the Resample image filter for the
>>image grid that you want at the output.
>>   Luis
>>熊俊 wrote:
>>>Dear all,
>>>Forgive me for just asking you without giving any contribution yet,
>>>since I am still newbie in itkfield.  Hope you can still enough time
>>>to give me some advises.
>>> I have some questions on the itk. Can I use the itk to implement the
>>>muti-planar reconstruction? I had read the user guide but i have no
>>>idea about it. Thank you very much!
>>>Jun Xiong
>>>Institute of Biophysics and Biochemics
>>>Huazhong Univ of Sci. & Tech.
>>>Insight-users mailing list
>>>Insight-users at itk.org

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