[Insight-users] SetRequestedRegion question

Angela Lee angela.lee at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Jul 8 22:48:08 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I want to cut my image into a grid and at each element in the grid I
want to look at the fourier transform of that sub-window of my image.
But I am a bit confused about the using the SetRequestedRegion option
for images in itk.

How do I specify that I want to only look at the requested region in the
image when I set the input for my FFT filter?

In my code I've put: 

ImageType::RegionType  inputRegion;

  size[0]  = 100;
  size[1]  = 100;

  inputStart[0] = 0;
  inputStart[1] = 0;

  inputRegion.SetSize( size );
  inputRegion.SetIndex( inputStart );

  ImageType::Pointer movingImage = ImageType::New();

  movingImage = movingReader->GetOutput();
  movingImage->SetRequestedRegion( inputRegion );

  typedef itk::VnlFFTRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter<
                                  InputPixelType, Dimension > 

  FFTFilterType::Pointer fftFilterMoving = FFTFilterType::New();

  fftFilterMoving->SetInput( movingImage );

Thanks in advance,

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