[Insight-users] Geodesic Active Contours Segmentation with 3D volumes
Dan Mueller
dan.muel at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 00:20:52 EDT 2008
2008/7/10 Dan Mueller <dan.muel at gmail.com>:
> Second, the Fast Marching filter does it's operation in floating
> point. In native ITK, you *can* use integer input images (such as
> signed short), provided you use the NormalizationFactor property
> (please read the documentation in itkFastMarchingImageFilter.cxx).
> Unfortunately, you have spotted a problem with ManagedITK: it does not
> produce Fast Marching wrappers for integer images. I will fix this in
> the next version. You can fix it yourself by adding the following
> lines to ManagedITK\Source\Modules\LevelSetFilters\managed_itkFastMarchingImageFilter.cmake:
> WRAP_IMAGE_FILTER_USIGN_INT(2) # Add this line
> WRAP_IMAGE_FILTER_SIGN_INT(2) # Add this line
> (Gaëtan: I also notice WrapITK has these lines missing/commented out.
> Another reason to integrate!)
On closer inspection, adding these two lines is not the best solution.
Wrappers should also be generated for integer inputs and real
> Finally, the IndexOutOfRangeException seems to be occurring because
> you are creating a 2D index for SeedPosition, rather than a 3D index.
> Try something like this:
> IndexType SeedPosition = new IndexType(int.Parse(v1),
> int.Parse(v2), int.Parse(v3));
> Seeds.Add(new NodeType(SeedValue, SeedPosition));
> Hope this helps.
> Regards, Dan
> 2008/7/9 Rehab Mansour <rehab_a_eg at yahoo.co.uk>:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am using ManagedITK with c#,i am still a begginer so i have lots of
>> questions in my hand....i have applied Level set Geodesic Active Contours
>> Segmentation on an image and it worked effectively thank God...now i am
>> trying to apply it on a 3D volume(series of images) ,this is the code i am
>> using
>> itkImageBase DicomSeries = itkImage_SS3.New();
>> itkImageBase PNGSeries = itkImage_F3.New();
>> itkImageBase Segmented = itkImage_UC3.New();
>> DicomSeries.ReadDicomDirectory(@"C:\Rehab\p6\1");
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_ISS3IF3 ConvertDCMtoPNG =
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_ISS3IF3.New();
>> ConvertDCMtoPNG.SetInput(DicomSeries);
>> ConvertDCMtoPNG.OutputMinimum = 0;
>> ConvertDCMtoPNG.OutputMaximum = 255;
>> ConvertDCMtoPNG.GetOutput(PNGSeries);
>> ConvertDCMtoPNG.Update();
>> itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter_IF3IUC3 ThresholdingFilterType
>> = itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter_IF3IUC3.New();
>> ThresholdingFilterType.SetInput(PNGSeries);
>> ThresholdingFilterType.LowerThreshold = -1000.0;
>> ThresholdingFilterType.UpperThreshold = 0.0;
>> ThresholdingFilterType.OutsideValue = 0;
>> ThresholdingFilterType.InsideValue = 255;
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3 CastFilterType1 =
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3.New();
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3 CastFilterType2 =
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3.New();
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3 CastFilterType3 =
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3.New();
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3 CastFilterType4 =
>> itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter_IF3IUC3.New();
>> itkCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter_IF3IF3
>> SmoothingFilterType =
>> itkCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter_IF3IF3.New();
>> SmoothingFilterType.TimeStep = 0.0625;
>> SmoothingFilterType.NumberOfIterations = 5;
>> SmoothingFilterType.ConductanceParameter = 9.0;
>> itkGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter_IF3IF3
>> GradientFilterType =
>> itkGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter_IF3IF3.New();
>> itkSigmoidImageFilter_IF3IF3 SigmoidFilterType =
>> itkSigmoidImageFilter_IF3IF3.New();
>> SigmoidFilterType.OutputMinimum = 0.0;
>> SigmoidFilterType.OutputMaximum = 1.0;
>> GradientFilterType.Sigma = double.Parse(v4);
>> SigmoidFilterType.Alpha = double.Parse(v5);
>> SigmoidFilterType.Beta = double.Parse(v6);
>> itkFastMarchingImageFilter_IF3IF3 FastMarchingFilterType =
>> itkFastMarchingImageFilter_IF3IF3.New();
>> itkGeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter_IF3IF3F
>> geodesicActivecontour =
>> itkGeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter_IF3IF3F.New();
>> //command line variable
>> geodesicActivecontour.PropagationScaling = int.Parse(v7);
>> geodesicActivecontour.CurvatureScaling = 1.0;
>> geodesicActivecontour.AdvectionScaling = 1.0;
>> geodesicActivecontour.MaximumRMSError = 0.02;
>> geodesicActivecontour.NumberOfIterations = 800;
>> ///////////////The pipeline\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
>> SmoothingFilterType.SetInput(PNGSeries);
>> GradientFilterType.SetInput(SmoothingFilterType.GetOutput());
>> SigmoidFilterType.SetInput(GradientFilterType.GetOutput());
>> List<NodeType> Seeds = new List<NodeType>();
>> double SeedValue = -double.Parse(v3);
>> IndexType SeedPosition = new IndexType(int.Parse(v1),
>> int.Parse(v2));
>> Seeds.Add(new NodeType(SeedValue, SeedPosition));
>> FastMarchingFilterType.TrialPoints = Seeds.ToArray();
>> FastMarchingFilterType.SpeedConstant = 1.0;
>> FastMarchingFilterType.OutputSize = PNGSeries.Size;
>> FastMarchingFilterType.OutputSpacing = PNGSeries.Spacing;
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> FastMarchingFilterType.OutputSize =
>> PNGSeries.BufferedRegion.Size;
>> FastMarchingFilterType.SetInput(SigmoidFilterType.GetOutput());
>> geodesicActivecontour.SetInput(FastMarchingFilterType.GetOutput());
>> geodesicActivecontour.SetFeatureImage(SigmoidFilterType.GetOutput());
>> ThresholdingFilterType.SetInput(geodesicActivecontour.GetOutput());
>> ThresholdingFilterType.Update();
>> ThresholdingFilterType.GetOutput(Segmented);
>> Segmented.WriteSeries("segmented_{0}.png","00");
>> i am having a problem at the fast marching filter...it doesn't accept the
>> seeds,i am giving it for it's trial point,
>> this line: FastMarchingFilterType.TrialPoints = Seeds.ToArray();
>> this is the exception i am getting:
>> System.IndexOutOfRangeException was caught
>> Message="Index was outside the bounds of the array."
>> Source="ManagedITK.Common"
>> StackTrace:
>> at itk.itkArray`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
>> at
>> itk.ManagedTypes.ToNativeLevelSetNode<float,3>(LevelSetNode<float\,3>* ,
>> itkLevelSetNode managedNode)
>> at
>> itk.ManagedTypes.ToNativeLevelSetNodeContainer<float,3>(itkLevelSetNode[]
>> managedContainer)
>> at
>> itk.itkFastMarchingImageFilter_IF3IF3.set_TrialPoints(itkLevelSetNode[]
>> value)
>> at LevelSetActiveContour.Form1.button5_Click(Object sender, EventArgs
>> e) in C:\Users\HP\Documents\Visual Studio
>> 2005\Projects\LevelSetActiveContour\LevelSetActiveContour\Form1.cs:line 551
>> Any idea anyone??!!
>> i have also two questions:
>> when i tried this code and before the fastmarching filter...it took so much
>> processing time to update the filters...is taking a 3D volume was a wrong
>> idea to start with???should i make a loop and apply the pipleine for each
>> slice individually..will this make it any fast???
>> the other question is ....why the filters only accept float values??..the
>> major extension we all would be working on is Dicom..so shouln't it accept
>> dicom from the start??.....(i am sorry for this silly question i am just
>> wondering)...my technique is to convert the dicom series i have into any
>> other series but when i give it a large range it takes a huge processing
>> time so i thought i will only stick to 0-->255,but it's so much waste of
>> information
>> Thanx for the hep in advance
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