[Insight-users] 3D level set segmentation

Gokhan Mustafa Uzunbas uzunbas at su.sabanciuniv.edu
Fri Jul 18 10:35:35 EDT 2008

Dear ITK users I am tring to do a level set based segmentation using  
GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter.cxx sample in ITK. 2D works fine but  
when I try on 3D data I observed that fast marching filter can not  
initialize a simple sphere although I gave seed points and radius. It  
gets in a while loop in FastMarchingImageFilter to compute a signed  
distance function and can not get out.
I do not know how much more I should wait but it seems it is not  
usable when image dimensions are 500 x 500 x 25.
Are there anyone who could succeed to run those segmentation filters in 3D?
If anyone could help or point me, please? Thank you in advance.


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