[Insight-users] Correct way to create a variable dimension histogram?

Mark Scully mscully at mrn.org
Tue Jul 22 18:18:52 EDT 2008

I am attempting to create a vector image from any number of input images and
then create the joint histogram of that vector image.  This means that the
size of the vector in the vector image is not known at compile time.

I can easily generate a variable sized vector image using
ImageToVectorImageFilter but I'm having problems with the
ImageToHistogramGenerator which appears to need the vector image to be
specified at compile time.  I found the VariableDimensionHistogram that
seems to be meant for this situation but I'm having trouble creating a list
of samples from the vector image since ImageToListGenerator also seems to
want the vector size to be specified at compile time.

What is the correct way to generate the variable dimension histogram from a
vector image who's length is set at run time?

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