[Insight-users] Possible bug in GaussianSpatialObject
Ali -
saveez at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 17 07:17:07 EDT 2008
Unfortunately, your code still generates the same problem here. Even
different values of SpatialObjectToImageFilter.SetSize() produces
different pixel distributions. Here is an example:
SpatialObjectToImageFilter.SetSize(15, 15):
SpatialObjectToImageFilter.SetSize(15, 25):
If things work smoothly in C++, it could be a problem with the
development version of WrapITK, however, I do not get any warnings or
exceptions with windows+java. Maybe Gaetan can confirm this problem with
python and linux.
itkGaussianSpatialObject2 gaus = new itkGaussianSpatialObject2();
itkVectorD2 offset = new itkVectorD2(1.0);
offset.SetElement(0, 0); // offset.SetElement(0, 2);
offset.SetElement(1, 0); // offset.SetElement(1, 2);
itkSpatialObjectToImageFilterSO2IUC2 so2im = new
itkSize2 size = new itkSize2();
size.SetElement(0, 15);
size.SetElement(1, 25);
Julien Jomier wrote:
> Hi Ali,
> Couple of things:
> 1) Change the gaus.GetIndexToObjectTransform().SetTranslation(offset) to
> gaus.GetObjectToParentTransform().SetTranslation(offset)
> 2) Add gaus.ComputeObjectToWorldTransform(); after setting the
> translation. This forces the recomputation of the world transform for
> the object.
> 3) Don't forget to set the size of your image for the
> SpatialObjectToImageFilter using SetSize().
> Here's the code I've been using (C++ version)
> typedef itk::GaussianSpatialObject GSType;
> GSType::Pointer gsp = GSType::New();
> gsp->SetMaximum(255);
> gsp->SetRadius(7);
> typedef itk::Vector VectorType;
> VectorType v;
> v[0] = 10;
> v[1] = 10;
> gsp->GetObjectToParentTransform()->SetTranslation(v);
> gsp->ComputeObjectToWorldTransform();
> typedef itk::Image ImageType;
> typedef itk::SpatialObjectToImageFilter FilterType;
> FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
> filter->SetInput(gsp);
> FilterType::SizeType size;
> size[0]=20;
> size[1]=20;
> filter->SetSize(size);
> filter->Update();
> typedef itk::ImageFileWriter WriterType;
> WriterType::Pointer writer= WriterType::New();
> writer->SetFileName("test.jpg");
> writer->SetInput(filter->GetOutput());
> writer->Update();
> Let me know if that works or not,
> Julien
> Ali - wrote:
>> Hi Julien,
>> It seems there is this bug in GaussianSpatialObject which causes to mess
>> up the whole spatial object image when the translation transform is
>> applied. Here is an example:
>> itkGaussianSpatialObject2 gaus = new itkGaussianSpatialObject2();
>> gaus.SetMaximum(255);
>> gaus.SetRadius(7);
>> itkVectorD2 offset = new itkVectorD2();
>> offset.SetElement(0, 0.0);
>> offset.SetElement(1, 0.0);
>> gaus.GetIndexToObjectTransform().SetTranslation(offset);
>> (The above code is in java, but can be used as a pseudo code). Notice
>> that whether the offset is zero or not, setting the translation value
>> messes up the gaussian object. Here are the results:
>> Without calling translation: http://i26.tinypic.com/2j4u7pd.jpg
>> With calling translation: http://i31.tinypic.com/iwrd5y.jpg
>> All I wanted to do was to have a gaussian object at the centre of the
>> image. Is there a better way of doing this?
>> -Ali
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