[Insight-users] vessel enhancing diffusion filter (release 200)

Laura Fernandez de Manuel laura.fdm at gmail.com
Wed May 28 08:01:34 EDT 2008

Hi all,

We have been checking the implementation of the "Vessel Enhancing Diffusion
Filter" depicted here:


although it works properly with the example 3D images provided (ranging from
around 30 to 250 KB) we didn't succeed to make it work in images any larger
(5MB images failed already for instance). We work in a system with 4GB RAM
so we don't know which can be the source of the "Failed to allocate memory
for image" errors that we get. Here, I attach the error message we get:

./itkAnisotropicDiffusionVesselEnhancementImageFilterTest.exe image00_2.mhd
Reading input image : image00_2.mhd
Enhancing vessels.........: image00_2.mhd
Iteration:      0
Computing vesselness for scale with sigma= 0.2
Exception caught:
itk::ExceptionObject (0138FB20)
Location: "class itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor<double,3> *__thiscall
itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned long,class
itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor<double,3> >:: AllocateElements (unsigned
long) const"
File: itk3.6.0\code\common\itkImportImageContainer.txx
Line: 193
Description: Failed to allocate memory for image.

Thanks a lot!

carlos & laura
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