[Insight-users] finding neighbors

qxue at jouy.inra.fr qxue at jouy.inra.fr
Wed May 28 10:10:27 EDT 2008

Hi, Nithiananthan,
    I finish one method to find the neighbor based on voronoi map, and I use the
ConnectedThresholdImageFilter instead of ConnectedComponentImageFilter. Exactly
I do not have idea how to use the later to find the neighbors.
    My image is biological image, so there are many cells in one image. Until
now, my method runs well when the number of objects is less than 256, on the
contrary, one bug will occur. I make sure of the reason, that is, voronoi map
shows each object with one value for each pixel of the closest object, and then
one number may be used more than one time.
    Is it possible to give each object with the only number in Voronoi map?

Selon "Nithiananthan, Sajendra" <Sajendra.Nithiananthan at rmp.uhn.on.ca>:

> Quan,
> Have you tried itk::ConnectedComponentImageFilter ?

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