[Insight-users] Weighted adding of images

Fran Serrano sercha at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 17:20:52 EST 2008

Dear Insight users,

I want to add 5 images weighted by its respective coefficient:

*out = a * in1 + b * in2 + c * in3 + d * in4 + e * in5
Due to there is no one ITK function, there are multiple options for
implementations of the filter:

-Using the class  itk::MultiplyByConstantImageFilter< TInputImage,
TConstant, TOutputImage
each image and
then use* * the class  itk::TernaryAddImageFilter< TInputImage1,
TInputImage2, TInputImage3, TOutputImage
to sum the 5 images.

-My second option is implementing an iterator which open the images, add the
weighted values.

Which option do you recomend? There is any other fast option for doing that?


Fran Serrano
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