[Insight-users] [WrapITK] Python wrapping for itkImageKmeansModelEstimator

Pierre Raybaut contact at pythonxy.com
Tue Oct 7 10:43:24 EDT 2008


A Python(x,y) user* has requested some help regarding WrapITK. I
personally don't use intensively (yet) this module, so I was hoping
that someone could help me here.

This user would like to use itkImageKmeansModelEstimator and related
classes, and actually the Python(x,y) ITK plugin is based on the
default CMake build settings which apparently don't include this

So I have two questions here:
1) What pixel type has to be turned on to wrap
itkImageKmeansModelEstimator? (after a quick look at the WrapITK
directory, I'm afraid that this filter is not supported by WrapITK but
I may be wrong...)
2) General question: regarding WrapITK CMake build settings, is the
default configuration really the best choice to fit the needs of most
users? (in other words, what would be the most universal build
settings, except turning all on?)

Pierre Raybaut
(*) As you may already know, Python(x,y) is a free scientific-oriented
Python Distribution based on Qt and Eclipse providing a
self-consistent scientific development environment (more info on
http://www.pythonxy.com). Among other useful libraries, Python(x,y)
integrates ITK (more precisely ITK Python's wrapping, WrapITK).

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