[Insight-users] [WrapITK] Python wrapping for itkImageKmeansModelEstimator

Karthik Krishnan karthik.krishnan at kitware.com
Wed Oct 8 10:13:53 EDT 2008

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Pierre Raybaut <contact at pythonxy.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> A Python(x,y) user* has requested some help regarding WrapITK. I
> personally don't use intensively (yet) this module, so I was hoping
> that someone could help me here.
> This user would like to use itkImageKmeansModelEstimator and related
> classes, and actually the Python(x,y) ITK plugin is based on the
> default CMake build settings which apparently don't include this
> feature.
> So I have two questions here:
> 1) What pixel type has to be turned on to wrap
> itkImageKmeansModelEstimator? (after a quick look at the WrapITK
> directory, I'm afraid that this filter is not supported by WrapITK but
> I may be wrong...)

A fairly large number of combinations to wrap, I'm afraid, but a
common use case would be to wrap it for

  itk::Vector< T, 1 >
  itk::Vector< T, 3 >

where T can be unsigned char, double.

And the membership functions can be
  DistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction< TType >
  MahanalobisDistanceMembershipFunction< TType >

where TType is one of the above pixel types.

> 2) General question: regarding WrapITK CMake build settings, is the
> default configuration really the best choice to fit the needs of most
> users? (in other words, what would be the most universal build
> settings, except turning all on?)
> Thanks,
> Pierre Raybaut
> ____________
> (*) As you may already know, Python(x,y) is a free scientific-oriented
> Python Distribution based on Qt and Eclipse providing a
> self-consistent scientific development environment (more info on
> http://www.pythonxy.com). Among other useful libraries, Python(x,y)
> integrates ITK (more precisely ITK Python's wrapping, WrapITK).
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Karthik Krishnan
R&D Engineer,
Kitware Inc.
Ph: 518 371 3971 x119
Fax: 518 371 3971

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