[Insight-users] need help image histogram

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue Sep 9 12:52:44 EDT 2008

Hi Hossein,

What values did you set up for the Max and Min of the Histogram ?

   min.Fill(   -0.5 );  ??
   max.Fill(  255.5 );  ??

   generator->SetHistogramMin( min );
   generator->SetHistogramMax( max );

If the total number of entries in the Histogram doesn't match the
number of pixels in the image, then it is likely that your Min and
Max setting in the histogram calculator are defining an intensity
range smaller than the actual dynamic range of your DICOM image.

Please let us know,



hossein nazem wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to extract the histogram of a dicom image. The result is 
> different to what I achieve from MATLAB. There is something wrong in itk 
> because total pixels are fix and 512*512=262144 but in my code it’s 
> variable when I change the bins,  and the shape of histogram is 
> different comparing with MATLAB output. I work on a 512*512 dicom uint12 
> image. I tried the Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram1.cxx & 
> Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram2.cxx.
> Yours truly,
> Hossein
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