[Insight-users] Contour vs. Mesh registration

Eliana Vasquez Osorio e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl
Mon Aug 17 06:10:49 EDT 2009

Hello Luis,
Thank you for answering. 
It is a 2D manifold embedded in a 3D space.  It's the surface of an
organ (such as a kidney, liver, breast, etc...) and the contours are
cuts on these organs.

Any idea so far?

Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Eliana,
> Is the Mesh a 2D mesh ?
> That is, is embedded in a 2D space ?
> or is the Mesh a 2D manifold embedded in a 3D space ?
> (e.g. like the surface of a bone ?).
> ---
> Unless you have other constrains that can help,...
> this is a very hard problem.
> One option that you may want to consider is to
> compute the curvature of the planar curve (e.g.
> the radius of the osculating circle). An then in
> the Surface compute the min and max curvature
> at every point.
> The curvatures of the planar curve (when matched
> to the surface) will have to be inside the ranges of
> the min and max curvatures of the matching points.
> Another way to look at it, is that the internal angles
> of your polygon should have to be in the range of
> the dihedral angles of consecutive faces of the Mesh.
> In that context, the easiest points to match will be the
> points of the planar curve with the internal angles that
> are farther from 180 degrees.
> ....
> In your email you ask if you could use Mesh to Image
> registration methods.... Do you have the image from
> which the Mesh was generated ?
>     Please let us know,
>         Thanks
>           Luis
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Eliana Vasquez Osorio
> <e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl <mailto:e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl>>
> wrote:
>     Hello itk-users,
>     I'd like to register a contour (polygon composed by coplanar
>     lines) to a
>     mesh (set of triangles floating in the space).
>     The contour comes from a cut of the mesh, but the location of this cut
>     is not known.  The idea is to find the plane that was used to create
>     this cut.  I understand that for some cases the result is not unique,
>     such as using a perfect circle vs. an sphere, but just one
>     solution is ok.
>     I wonder if someone has done this, or something similar, before.
>     May be using ImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod or
>     PointSetToImageRegistrationMethod ???
>     Any idea/suggestion etc is welcome!
>     Thanks, Eliana
>     --
>     Eliana M. Vásquez Osorio
>     PhD Student (OIO)
>     Erasmus Medical Center - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center
>     Department of Radiation Oncology
>     Groene Hilledijk 301
>     3075 EA Rotterdam
>     The Netherlands
>     T: +31 10 70 41 491
>     F: +31 10 70 41 012
>     E-mail: e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl
>     <mailto:e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl>
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Eliana M. Vásquez Osorio
PhD Student (OIO)
Erasmus Medical Center - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center
Department of Radiation Oncology
Groene Hilledijk 301 
3075 EA Rotterdam
The Netherlands

T: +31 10 70 41 491
F: +31 10 70 41 012
E-mail: e.vasquezosorio at erasmusmc.nl

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