[Insight-users] multi-input filters unwilling to work

Dan Mueller dan.muel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 08:08:09 EDT 2009

Hi Michael,

I recommended that you post the minimal source code (and possibly
data) required to reproduce the issue.

Regards, Dan

2009/8/25 Michael Xanadu <xanadu.michael at googlemail.com>:
> Hi folks,
> I've got a problem with all segmentation filters which have two inputs, for
> example ShapeDetectionLevelSet or GeodesicActiveContour. I tryed the
> accordant examples in the example folders and they work great (with image
> files). But if I replace the input by a dicomreader (of course, I changed
> all accordant parameters, too) I always get a black output with a little
> white spot at the coordinate where I placed the seedpoint. I messed around
> with the filter parameters, but I never get a segment, only the spot. Is
> somebody familiar with the problem?
> Michael
> P.S.: dicom data = 512 x 512 x 4, short
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