[Insight-users] Storing non-coordinate information on a mesh

David Doria daviddoria+itk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 15:27:45 EDT 2009

I was going to do something like this:

    class PTXPoint
            typedef itk::Point<double, 3> PointType;
            typedef itk::RGBPixel<unsigned char> ColorType; //note: the ptx
format uses unsigned chars for color

            PointType Point;
            ColorType Color;
            double Intensity;


And then create a mesh of the new PTXPoint type:
typedef itk::Mesh<PTXPoint, 3>  MeshType;

But that doesn't make sense, because the dimensionality of the coordinates
is already defined inside PTXPoint. I really just want a
typedef itk::Mesh<double, 3>  MeshType;

but where each point in the mesh has a Color and Intensity associated with
it. What's the best way to do that?


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