[Insight-users] Using c++ stl containers in the transform?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Dec 10 09:23:22 EST 2009

Hi Motes,

Before we dive into the details of your code....

Are you compiling you application for "Release"  ?

In order to do profiling comparisons, you must
start first by making sure that you are using the
compiler's optimization.


Using STL containers is as efficient as using
pointers, as long as you access the elements
of the container via STL iterators.

Do the operations of mapping points involve
inserting new elements or removing exising
elements from the STL containers in your
Transform  ?

    Please let us know,



On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 7:09 AM, motes motes <mort.motes at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have created a transform (TransformPoint) that iterates a
> std::vector base on a lookup in a std::map. I can't get the same
> performance compared to running the  BSplineDeformableTransform and I
> suspect that its beause I use the stl containers. Typically I only
> iterate 10-40 elements in the vector based on a single lookup in the
> map (lg n time).
> Does anyone have experiences with the pros and cons of using the stl
> containers in per pixel/voxel functions like the TransformPoint in the
> BSplineDeformableTransform?
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