[Insight-users] Automated cropping of an image based on image segmentation

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon Dec 21 19:35:40 EST 2009

Hi Lodron,

A) About your first question:

For cropping an image to the size of the segmented
object you can use the recently added filter:


B) About your second question:

The size of the image mask will be (mostly**) irrelevant
for the purpose of evaluating the computation time of
the registration algorithm.

The "mostly" qualifier is added here, just because with
a smaller image you "may" get better memory caching
in your processor... but.... in practice, given all the things
that are moving on in the registration framework at the
same time, I would think that it is unlikely that such
potential caching manages to make any difference.
(... of course,... only a carefully executed experiment
will tell for sure).

In any case, using the filter in (A) is so easy, the
you may just go for it.



On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Lodron, Gerald
<Gerald.Lodron at joanneum.at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two 3D CT images which i want to register. I want first segment the human from the rest because I think the environment (patient table etc) will/can disturb the registration. The segmentation already works perfect, I use a simple connected threshold filter in combination with an image closing which results in an image of zeros and ones.
> Now I have two questions:
> - I think it would be a great idea (performance reasons) to automatically crop the image depending on that segmentation result but i have no idea how to do this efficiently, any ideas?
> - In the imageToImageMetric I found the functions: SetFixedImageMask and SetMovingImageMask
>  They needs a type called Spatial Objects so I think i had to use the itk::ImageSpatialObject class to convert my itk Image into such a spatial object type. Here is my question: Is it advisable to make a cropping and this image mask stuff or will the image mask stuff make everything internal to compute the result fast?
> Best regards
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