[Insight-users] Image to Spatial Object Metric

Antonio Foncubierta antonio.foncubierta at gmail.com
Mon Feb 2 15:26:37 EST 2009

Hi Luis,

I finally could use the SpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator, so I
solved the unefficiency problem. The algorithm is now much quicker, between
10 and 100 times faster! This lets me increase the number of iterations so
that in, say 10 minutes, i have a good result, which isn't still perfect,
but approximate. By the way, the problem why I couldn't use the
SpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator seemed to be related with having a
GroupSpatialObject, since when I switched to EllipseSpatialObject, it just
worked perfectly and could calculate real numbers (otherwise the results
were NaN).

Thank you very much for your advice, I really appreciate your interest. I'll
try that as soon as possible, and will let you know what my results are.

Antonio Foncubierta

2009/2/2 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>

> Hi Antonio,
> It seems that part of the difficulty that you are facing is
> rooted in the fact that the metric that computes a binary
> overlap between the spatial object and the image will have
> a plateau for all the transform parameters that map the
> spatial object inside the object in the image.
> You may want to consider blurring the image, or computing
> its distance map, as a way of breaking that plateau, and
> converting it in to a function with a monotonic profile
> that could be tracked by an optimizer.
> The metric illustrated in the ModelToImage examples is
> a very basic one...
>   Regards,
>       Luis
> --------------------------
> Antonio Foncubierta wrote:
>> Hello again, it seems i could overcome some of my difficulties re-defining
>> a metric. This is what I did:
>>    * First I tried a SpatialObjectToImageStatistis calculator, so that
>>      I would be able to sum the values of pixels of the image included
>>      inside the Spatial Object. I couln't make it, and struggled for
>>      several days on that. So I decided I would look for another
>>      solution that might not be as efficient, but could be used meanwhile.
>>    * So I did the following, I used an SpatialObjectToImageFilter and
>>      counted the pixels of that Spatial Object. This has given me a
>>      metric that uses the points inside the image ratio, and the pixels
>>      that includes the spatial object. With this I am able to register,
>>      but I face the following problem, which is why I ask you for some
>>      guidance:
>> Given that my registration algorithm using this unefficient metric is
>> quite slow, i would certainly need to have the right scales for dynamic
>> range of paratemers. So what's the rule to choose them? I can see examples
>> in the ITK Software Guide, but I'd rather have some more information about
>> why those values were chosen.
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Antonio Foncubierta
>> 2009/1/16 Antonio Foncubierta <antonio.foncubierta at gmail.com <mailto:
>> antonio.foncubierta at gmail.com>>
>>    Thank you very much for your quick answer, Luis. As requested, I
>>    will give as many details as possible:
>>       1. I create an itkImage using a SpatialObjectToImageFilter. This
>>          image contains an ellipsoid with radii 10 15 20, for instance.
>>       2. I want to make a registration of a certain Spatial Object with
>>          that Image. The starting Spatial Object is another ellipsoid
>>          with radii, for example, 5, 5, 5. I set the Spatial Object
>>          offset in a way so that the ellipsoid centre fits the Image
>>          Gravity Center (I use a MomentCalculator to get that value).
>>       3. I start the registration method using an Affine Transform,
>>          because the starting ellipsoid needs a scale change.
>>       4. The result is that the optimizer doesn't have anything to
>>          optimize, because the SimpleModelToImageMetric GetValue method
>>          returns the number of Spatial Object points in the Image
>>          (every point in the image has value=1). Therefore, the metric
>>          is already maximized. The result is a small ellipsoid fully
>>          contained inside the image.
>>       5. In some other cases, I located the starting spatial object
>>          outside the gravity center of the image and then started the
>>          registration method. The result then was a randomly shaped
>>          ellipsoid (it depends on where I put the center and the
>>          original size of it) which has all of its points inside the
>>          image. The Optimizer returns the same parameters once it
>>          achieves a maximum in the metric, no matter how many
>>          iterations I allow the registration method to run.
>>    Those results have made me think that I must change the metric so
>>    that it has a maximum when all the points are inside the image and
>>    the spatial object volume is as high as possible.
>>    Any ideas?
>>    I also would like to apologize if you understood that I was
>>    reporting a problem in the registration methods or examples (which
>>    obviously work perfectly). My intention was to find what I am doing
>>    wrong or what I could probably use to solve _my_ problem.
>>    Thank you in advance,
>>    Antonio Foncubierta
>>    2009/1/16 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com
>>    <mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com>>
>>        Hi Antonio,
>>        the ImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod<> that is illustrated
>>        in the
>>        examples
>>           Insight/Examples/Registration
>>                      ModelToImageRegistration1.cxx
>>                      ModelToImageRegistration2.cxx
>>        should, in principle, work with any of the ITK Transforms.
>>        It is likely that the problem that you faced when using an
>>        Affine transform are more related to:
>>               A) Poor choice of parameter scaling values (the array
>>                  that is passed to the Optimizer in order to compensate
>>                  for the difference in dynamic range between Translation
>>                  and Rotation/Scale components.
>>               B) Poor choice of Optmizer parameters.
>>        Of course, the option of writing your own Metric is always worth
>>        considering, but that is independent of the need for solving (A)
>>        and (B) properly.
>>        In general, when you report that something "doesn't work", it is
>>        very helpful to describe *exactly* what the result was, and how
>>        do you arrive to the conclusion that "it doesn't work".
>>        Please give us more detail on what you observed....
>>           Thanks
>>              Luis
>>        ---------------------------
>>        Antonio Foncubierta wrote:
>>            Hello,
>>            I am trying to develop a Model Based Registration Method,
>>            and I started using the example mentioned by the Itk
>>            Software Guide and included in the 3.6 version of Insight:
>>            ***ModelToImageRegistration1.cxx***. I have been trying to
>>            adapt the example to work with my data: 3D Images. Achieving
>>            that was not a big deal, but I started to struggle when I
>>            wanted the Transform to be an itkAffineTransform, which
>>            includes a scale change. The example explicitly says that
>>            the SimpleImageToSpatialObjectMetric is designed considering
>>            no scale changes, and it says it right, because the metric
>>            doesn't work as I required. (It does work as expected, though).
>>            So my main problem now is finding a way to define a metric
>>            that maximizes both the ****number of Spatial Object Points
>>            inside the Image**** and the ****Spatial Object Volume****.
>>            The first one is easy, as it is exactly what the above
>>            mentioned example does, but I haven't found a way to compute
>>            the Transformed SpatialObject Volume.
>>            And that's why I ask you if any of you have found a similar
>>            problem and how did you solve it. Also, if any of you know a
>>            not-as-simple metric which I could use.
>>            Thank you in advance,
>>            PS: The explanation migh be very blurry, so if you don't
>>            undersrtand anything of it, please, just ask. I'd rather
>>            repeat things in a different way, or attach images to not
>>            having help at all ;)
>>            Antonio Foncubierta
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