[Insight-users] vtk glue moved?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Jul 1 16:06:38 EDT 2009

Hi David,

      You may be looking at the wrong place.

You are probably looking at the "Application" subdirectory
of "Insight", which is indeed empty since February 2003,
when (as the README.txt file in that directory states) we
moved the code to a separate CVS module.

The place to look is the InsightApplications CVS module,
that, as described in the "download" page:


can be downloaded as:

*cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at www.itk.org:/cvsroot/Insight co

or that you can navigate using the ViewCVS web portal:

You will find the Auxiliary/vtk directory here:


as you can see,
it is not empty.

Please let us know if you have trouble locating the
files that you are looking for.

The files can not be part of ITK because they depend on VTK.
(although, by now the Wrapping has ignored that rule...)

Your best option is still to copy these files into your own project.
You can, of course include a long path, if your find that more



On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 3:12 PM, David Doria
<daviddoria+itk at gmail.com<daviddoria%2Bitk at gmail.com>
> wrote:

> According to this:
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/index.php/ITK_FAQ#How_to_combine_ITK_and_VTK_in_my_application
> there are some files that should be available here:
>  InsightApplications/Auxiliary/vtk
> However, I found that directory to be empty, and the files to actually
> exist at:
> /home/doriad/src/Insight/Wrapping/WrapITK/ExternalProjects/ItkVtkGlue/src
> Is the wiki entry just out of date? Or have I done something wrong building
> ITK?
> Also, why is it that you are supposed to "copy those files into your
> project directory" - or #include some crazy path like this: #include
> "/home/doriad/src/Insight/Wrapping/WrapITK/ExternalProjects/ItkVtkGlue/src/itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h"
> instead of being able to do the standard #include
> "itkImageToVTKImageFilter.h" ?
> Thanks,
> David
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