[Insight-users] Adding itkTransformPointSetFilter

David Doria daviddoria+itk at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 09:27:57 EDT 2009


A while ago we discussed this - is it better posed to the devel mailing

I am not very familiar with this heavily templated style project, so bear
with me - I've got some learning to do!
I added Insight/Code/BasicFilters/itkTransformPointSetFilter.h/txx to my src

itkTransformMeshFilter is a subclass of itkMeshToMeshFilter, and I don't see
a itkPointSetToPointSetFilter. Do I need to create that too? And even
further, itkMeshToMeshFilter is a subclass of itkMeshSource (and again, MIA
is itkPointSetSource), which has functions like ProcessObject, etc. Are
those necessary? I ask because in itkTransformPointSetFilter.txx, this line

produces errors like
itk::AffineTransform<float, 3u> >’ has no member named ‘UnRegister’

and I guess that is taken care of in those parent classes.

Clearly this a very simple function (a for loop that applies a transform to
each point), but I'm having trouble getting it to play nice with the
instantiation macros and all of the upstream stuff. Any suggestions?

I'm not sure it's worth looking at yet, but here are the work-in-progress

I commented everything after the first line that produces an error in the
test file.


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