[Insight-users] itkImageSource for block of memory

Andreas Schuh andreas.schuh.84 at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 19 11:43:22 EDT 2009

Hi Koen,

the MATLAB API gives you C array of the image pixel data. You can set  
this pixel buffer directly as pixel buffer to be used by an instance  
of itk::Image. So you don't need to copy any byte of the image pixel  

Have a look at itk::Image::GetPixelContainer()
and itk::ImportPixelContainer::SetImportPointer().


On Jun 19, 2009, at 12:34 PM, Koen Vermeer <koen at vermeer.tv> wrote:

> Hi,
> When interfacing ITK from a different program, I already have my image
> in memory. When applying ITK operations, I now first copy the image  
> into
> an itk::Image. For small images, that's not that much of a problem,  
> but
> for large 3D data sets, I'd rather avoid this.
> The best way to that that is probably to define some itkImageSource  
> for
> a block of memory. I assume that writing such a class wouldn't be too
> difficult, but looking at itkImageSource, I have no idea where to  
> start.
> Does the approach of writing an itkImageSource for this purpose sound
> right? What methods should I override?
> My final goal is to use this as an interface to Matlab data.
> Best,
> Koen
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