[Insight-users] version itk et cmake

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Fri Jun 19 12:09:07 EDT 2009

Hi Syrine,

Yes, the following combination work:

   * CMake 2.6.4
   * ITK 3.14
   * Visual Studio 9

You can see it submitting *every day* to the dashboard

from the machine "redwall.kitware:


You can verify the CMake version by clicking on the blue
icon in front of the BUILDNAME "Win64-Vista-vs9-Release"


 From you email,

You say that you find an error in "extraction".
are you talking about decompressing the .zip file ?

You may have just have a corrupted download file...



Syrine Sahmim wrote:
> hi
> Can we use  cmake 2.6 with itk 3.12 and visual studio 9. i try to 
> download itk 3.14 but it when i want to extract it it doesn't work 
> perfectly .
> it stop before the end of the extarction
> if someone had the 3.14 version can you please send it to me.
> thanks
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