[Insight-users] Validation of deformable registration

Marta t_s_80 at gmx.de
Tue Mar 10 08:48:46 EDT 2009

Hello once again,

I still have the questions below, but I also have a new one that  
bothers me to the topic.

What is a good way to find data for my synthetic deformation field? I  
mean, it isn't enough to deform the image "anyhow", it's important to
have a realistic deformation, right? How can I imitate that? Are there  
any tools to create an synthetic deformation field?

Thanks for any comments to my questions! It's important for my master  

Best regards,

Am 05.03.2009 um 17:38 schrieb Marta:

> Hi,
> I try to validate my deformable registration method and I do already  
> know that there is no standard for it.
> Anyway, I found in older posts a way to do it by generating an  
> artificially deformation field and compare it with the result  
> deformation field.
> Luis told (e.g.) so in http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2006-July/018634.html 
> :
> "The common approach is to artificially generate a
> deformation field by using ThinPlateSplines, use this artificial  
> deformation field in order to create a deformed version of your image.
> Then use your registration method between the original and the  
> deformed image, and finally compare the artificial deformation field  
> against the one that
> you produced with the registration method."
> However, I'm not sure what is the best way to compare the  
> deformation fields. Can I also use a squared image difference?
> Or are there any better ways?
> Would be happy for any suggestions!
> Best regards,
> Marta
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