[Insight-users] Executing Applications as part of our UG Project Please Guide

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Mar 12 10:56:19 EDT 2009

Hi Rama,

Thanks for your detailed message.


                Welcome to ITK !

Since you are interested in Watersheds and you are new to ITK,
I will strongly encourage you to start from the basis.

Please do the following:

   a) The same way that you build your
      "Hello World" application, take
      now the file:


   b) copy it to a separate directory (outside of the
      source code of ITK).

   c) write the CMakeLists.txt file for it
      (it will be very similar to the one you wrote for
       the Hello World example).

   d) Configure it with CMake and build it.

   e) From the command line, you can now call this
      executable by passing as input the image


   f) Run the filter multiple times, and experiment
      with changing the parameters:

            "lowerThreshold"  "outputScaleLevel"

      so that you get a feeling for their effect on the
      final segmentation.

It will be more effective for you, to follow the route
above, instead of building the Watershed application
in InsightApplications.  The reason is that for building
and running the app in InsightApplications you have to be
familiar with ITK, VTK and Tcl wrapping, which is probably
not the best way to get started....   :-)

Please follow the steps above and let us know if you
have any questions about the Watershed filter.

Once you have completed that, you may find interesting
to look at the following contributed paper to the
Insight Journal (http://www.insight-journal.org/):




Rama Chandra Rao M wrote:
> Hi Luis Lbanez,
> very kind of your quick response. We are doing our academic project on ITK.
> I am doing my Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science & Engg.
> We have choosen the following applications for project
> 1. Cellular Model for Image Processing and Shape Recognition
> 2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Bias-field correction filter
> 3. Bayesian Minimum error classifier for classes of Gausaian Distributions
> 4.Watershed segmentation of images and volumes.
> The following tasks have been finished by me and i am unable to proceed furher
> Steps performed by me.
> 1. Installed Visual studio.net 3
> 2. Installed CMake
> 3. Built ITKApplications
> 4. I built HelloWorld Application and Executed.
> 5. I built ITKSampleApplication and Executed.
> Now how should i proceed to execute the applications.
> I Would like to know the execution of all InsightApplications i am also
> helping out other batches with rest of the applications.
> I am totally new to ITK
> 1) are you referring to the Watershed application
>     in InsightApplications ? Yes
> 2) What is your platform (Windows, Linux.) ? Windows
> I am very happy for your immediate response..
> Thanks..
> Rama Chandra Rao.M

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