[Insight-users] Apply an ITK filter on a VTK object

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu Mar 12 13:25:38 EDT 2009

Hi Nourmestiri,

                        Welcome to ITK !

There are to options that come to mind as possible solutions to your 

       A) The easy one:  ITK can read images from VTK files.
          Simply use the ImageFileReader to read the .vtk image
          and then apply ITK filters at will. At the end of your
          pipeline you could also write the image back into a VTK
          file if you wish to do so.

       B) The not-so-easy one: Use the ITK-VTK import/export filters
          in order to convert VTK images into ITK images and back

          This is explained in the Tutorials:

          in particular in the Session:
          "Using ITK and VTK"

          You will find the Import/Export classes in the directory


       C) The high-level on:
          You can use the classes provided in the Insight Journal paper

          These classes can also be found in the directory:


Please let us know if you find any problem,



nourmestiri at yahoo.fr wrote:
> Hi all ITK users.
> I'm beginner in ITK developpment, so please try to help me even if my 
> question is very evident
> I have a 3D skull volume saved as a VTK file. I want to extract the 
> crest lines of this volume and i know that if i segment it with , i cant 
> have those lines.
> My question is: is it possible to apply an ITK filter on a VTK object?
> If yes, what to do in my case? What can i do tp apply that filter on my 
> object?
> Thank you so much
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