[Insight-users] Medianfilter:Requested region is outside..

Andreas Schuh andreas.schuh.84 at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 18 05:41:20 EDT 2009

Hi Juliane,

does it make sense that you want to apply the median filter without 
considering any neighborhood?
What do you think is the median of just a single value?
That the radius is set to [0, 0, 0] may be your problem.
Try at least [1, 1, 1] instead, which is the default radius used by 


doege at mi.fu-berlin.de schrieb:
> Hi Luis,
> 1. perhaps I was misleading words, I trying to use the itk::median 
> filter with mitk and I think that I am getting an itk error, which 
> probably means that I am using either itk or mitk wrong.
> 2. I am getting the error after using it the first time.
> 3.:
> template < typename TPixel, unsigned int VImageDimension >
> void QmitkAutomaticSegmentation::AutomaticSegmentation( itk::Image< 
> TPixel, VImageDimension >* itkImage )
> {
>   typedef itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > InputImageType;  // 
> Image type
>   typedef itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > OutputImageType;
>   typedef typename InputImageType::IndexType    IndexType;
>   //Median Filter
>   typedef itk::MedianImageFilter<InputImageType, OutputImageType > 
> FilterType; //creating Filtertype
>   FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New(); //filter object 
> erzeugt filter
>   InputImageType::SizeType indexRadius; //Radius for calculating the 
> median filter
>   indexRadius[0] = 0; // radius along x
>   indexRadius[1] = 0; // radius along y
>   indexRadius[2] = 0; // radius along z
>   filter->SetRadius( indexRadius );
>   filter->SetInput( itkImage); //aufrufen des Filters
>   std::cout << "Execute the filter";
>   filter->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion();
>   //filter->Update();
>    mitk::Image::Pointer resultImage = mitk::ImportItkImage( 
> filter->GetOutput() );
>   mitk::DataTreeNode::Pointer newNode = mitk::DataTreeNode::New();
>   newNode->SetData( resultImage );
>   mitk::DataTreeNodeFactory::SetDefaultImageProperties( newNode );
>   // add result to data tree
>   mitk::DataStorage::GetInstance()->Add( newNode );
>   mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll();
> }
> Best regards
> Juliane
> Quoting Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>:
>> Hi Juliane,
>> 1) Why are you implementing a median filter ?
>>    Is there are reason why the current MedianFilter in ITK
>>    is not suitable for what you are doing ?
>> 2) Do you get that error message after running the
>>    filter multiple times ?
>>    or do you get that error in the first run of the filter  ?
>> 3) Can you please post to the list the code of your filter ?
>>    Thanks
>>        Luis
>> -----------------------------
>> doege at mi.fu-berlin.de wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to implement a median filter with mitk and getting the  
>>>  following itk error:
>>> ..\..\..\source\Code\Common\itkDataObject.cxx:
>>> 397:Requested region is (at least partially) outside the largest   
>>> possible region.
>>> I tried to update only the largest possible region but it didn´t  
>>> work  either. Does anyone got another idea? I also couldn´t find  
>>> out how to  print out the size of the region.
>>> I am using dicom images with more than 4 slices.
>>> Best regards
>>> Juliane
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