[Insight-users] How to do an affine transform on one 3D point set in ITK?

Andreas Schuh andreas.schuh.84 at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 20 14:56:38 EDT 2009

Hi Tao,

in ITK you can use itk::Mesh to represent your data and apply the  
itk::TransformMeshFilter to transform the points using an  
itk::AffineTransform. Be aware that the transformation differs for  
itk::Point and itk::Vector.


Am 20.03.2009 um 19:42 schrieb Andreas Schuh <andreas.schuh.84 at googlemail.com 

> Hi Tao,
> there might be a way to do this with ITK. However, from the kind of  
> your data, the VTK might be better suited. The data you describe is  
> represented in VTK as vtkUnstructuredGrid, where the cells are 0D  
> (i.e. points). This data can be transformed using the  
> vtkTransformFilter.
> Whether you may want to use the VTK instead of ITK is dependent on  
> your further purpose.
> --
> regards
> Andreas
> Am 20.03.2009 um 18:49 schrieb Tao Dai <uniquedai at gmail.com>:
>> Hi, All:
>> I have a 3D point set (not an image) to be affine transformed to  
>> another 3D point set. I tried but failed.  Anybody knows how to  
>> implement this using ITK?
>> Thank you!!
>> Tao
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