[Insight-users] Problem Building Insight Applications

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 10:12:55 EDT 2009

> I am trying to build Image Registration 2D from insight applications .I am
> not able to pick up the steps given in the read me file especially the
> description "You must configure the build of this directory by using CMake.
> For this
> you should create a binary directory where you plan to build the
> applications, and then indicate to CMake the locations of the source
> directory and the  binary directory." I tried to build exactly the same way
> as described by my build is complete an error message is flashed stating
> FLTK_FLUID _EXECUTABLE not found and FLTK_WRAP_UI was called with a target
> that was not created.
You need to download and configure FLTK 1.1.9 with cmake first


> Can some please give me the steps on how to build image registration 2d and
> list of files that I should use in the  source directory.
You put the entire itk source in one folder. Do not put the fltk
source in that folder.

You run ccmake (on unix systems) or cmake-gui on windows systems to
specify a build tree that is outside the path of the source tree then
you use cmake to activate FLTK and have cmake generate the project (or
make file) for the compiler you selected. After you exit cmake you use
your compilers build tool to make the project.


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