[Insight-users] particle based segmentation

Wen Shi wsa18 at sfu.ca
Sun Mar 22 19:16:01 EDT 2009

Hi Guys,

Does any one ever tried to apply particle based method for image segmentation?
I am interested in this way and did some particle based fluid simulation.
Then I want to use the particle fluid to segment the image the same way as the Active contour(Snake) did. But in a more active(or animated)  way.
Now I confronted a problem. How did you input the image into your C++ project and convert it to form a space where the fluid can flow and finally gather to the edges or other features of the image?
Maybe the question is not clear, Let's say you have an 2D image, you want to segment it. Then you try to put a fluid flowing on the image. At this time the image is considered to be a space where each pixel is in a fixed position. Then we can use gradient magnitude filter to calculate the intensity differences and consider them to be some force source which attract the fluid particles to flow into and gather together.
So how to convert the image to form a proper space is the first step. 

Is there any one interested in this?

Thanks a lot 

Wen Shi   

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