[Insight-users] Can I use ITK to manipulate Matlab and XRraySim?

lu kang lu.kang07 at googlemail.com
Wed May 20 22:42:03 EDT 2009

Thanks, Luis.

I need to clarify my question. Can ITK or Matlab manipulate the
XRaySim software?

When I am talking about using ITK or Matlab to manipulate X-RaySim, I refer
to X-RaySim software. Because X-RayProsim is the only software I found so
far to be able to set Euler rotation and translation matrix to rotate the
CAE 3-D model at a number of orientations and convert the CAE 3-D model into
a radiographic image.  I need to automatize the whole process eventually. So
if Matllab can manipulate the X-RaySim software, it will be nice. I don't
even need to use the ITK since the existing codes are programmed in Matlab.

If Matlab or ITK can only manipulate the output images created from X-RaySim
instead of the X-RaySim software, I may need to explore other software that
can have the same function as X-RaySim but be able to manipulate by either
Matlab or ITK. Because the ultimate goal is to automatize the process. For
the time being, I can just manually load the output images created from
X-RaySim into Matlab I guess.

Best Regards,

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez at kitware.com>wrote:

> Hi Lu,
> You will find in ITK many methods for image comparison.
> Some of them are implemented in the form of ImageMetrics and
> used in the image registration framework.
> Others are implemented as filters.
> for example the DifferenceImageFilter.
> Please see the ITK Software Guide for details.
>  http://www.itk.org/ItkSoftwareGuide.pdf
> There are several ways of using ITK from MatLab.
> Please look at the following two papers in the Insight Journal:
> http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/66
> http://hdl.handle.net/1926/155
> and
> http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/620
> http://hdl.handle.net/10380/1461
> "Simulink Libraries for Visual Programming of VTK and ITK"
> Finally, when you say "manipulate the XRaySim" are you
> referring to the software XRaySim ?
> or to the simiulated X-Ray image that it produces as an output ?
>    Regards,
>        Luis
> -----------------
> lu kang wrote:
>>  Dear All,
>>  I am taking up someone else's project, where the image processing program
>> has been developed in Matlab. The ultimate goal is to compare two images for
>> the same object. One is clinical X-ray image. The other one needs to be
>> generated from the CAE model (solid 3-dimensional model created in
>> mechanical drawing software such as ProE and AutoCAD) at a certain
>> orientation. Right now, the image for the CAE model at certain orientation
>> is created in VRbuilder, which gives the VRML file. The VRML file is not an
>> image and therefore cannot be directly compared with the clinical X-ray
>> image.  So I need to explore a software to be able to orient the CAE model
>> and take a radiographic image of this model. In the mean time, I wish this
>> software can be compatible with the exiting Matlab codes in order to
>> automatize the whole imaging processing process. As far as I know, XRaySim
>> can orient the CAE model and take a radiographic image of this model. I
>> wonder if ITK is able to manipulate the XRaySim. If ITK does, could I use
>> Matlab to manipulate ITK afterwards? If anyone else has the experience to
>> deal with the similar problem I have encountered, could you please tell me
>> what the best solution will be?   Many thanks,
>> Lu
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