[Insight-users] Mutexes

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun May 24 15:23:34 EDT 2009

Hi Brady,

Applying Mutual Exclusion on a per-pixel basis does not seem to
be a good idea. It most likely be very expensive in computation

You may want to profile the time of Mutex and the FastMutex in
your platform, in order to make an informed decision...

What is your motivation for using a mutual exclusion lock on
every pixel ?

You may find in ITK better methods to solve your image processing

    Please let us know,



Brady McCary wrote:
> insight-users,
> How expensive is it to create mutexes? For example, I have an image
> processing problem where it would be nice to be able to lock on a
> per-pixel basis, perhaps something like:
> typename itk::Image< MutexType, ImageDimension > MutexImageType;
> ITK's threading mechanism is actually a wrapper around several (at
> least three) different threading libraries which exist on different
> platforms, so the answer to my question probably depends on my
> platform. I am running a recent linux on x86. However, for posterity
> it would be nice if someone could answer this question for most of the
> common platforms.
> Thanks,
> Brady
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