[Insight-users] doubt about DeformableRegistration1

Serena Fabbri fabbri at u.washington.edu
Tue May 26 19:52:39 EDT 2009

Hi All,

I have a doubt about DeformableRegistration1.cxx
I am using it to register MRI and CT image.
I have searching the best configuration of the parameters in order to obtain a good registration but the output image seems to be not registered.
The output image is the moving image in the input.
I am a little bit confused.... in the last registration I used 100 iteration...
Is necessary to increase the number of iteration to obtain an evident registration or maybe there is a problem in writing time of the image?
If yes...i have not recognized.

has anybody experimented this problem?
I am sorry for my question...but I am beginner in this topic.

Each suggestion will be very appreciate.

Thank you.


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