[Insight-users] WrapITK and Java Bindings

Gaëtan Lehmann gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
Mon Nov 16 08:43:47 EST 2009

Le 12 nov. 09 à 18:45, Julien Michel a écrit :

> Gaëtan Lehmann a écrit :
>> Le 10 nov. 09 à 16:31, Julien Michel a écrit :
>>> Luis Ibanez a écrit :
>>>> Hi Julien,
>>>> This is a very interesting question.
>>>> Yes, this could be done...  (...but....)
>>>> 1) When you wrap ITK with WrapITK for Java,
>>>>    the java files are generated in the directory:
>>>>   ${ITK_BIN}/Wrapping/WrapITK/Java/InsightToolkit
>>>> 2) You could go there and run javadoc with a command
>>>>    such as
>>>>           javadoc -J-Xmx100m -d Documentation  itkA*.java
>>>>    Note that for my test I limited the list to the ITK classes
>>>>    whose name starts with "A".... (you probably will do it
>>>>    with all the *.java files.
>>>> 3)  This effectively generates the HTML files in the
>>>>     "Documentation" directory (that was the argument of
>>>>     the -d option of javadoc)
>>>> 4) ...but...
>>>>     Since the wrapping process has not carried the C++
>>>>     documentation comments down to the .java files,
>>>>     javadoc can only produce the raw documentation
>>>>     that describes the class hierarchies and the function
>>>>     arguments of every class.
>>>> 5)   For this to be really useful, we would have to modify
>>>>     the wrapping process in order to carry along the C++
>>>>     comments above all the ITK classes and methods,
>>>>     to make that information available to javadoc at the
>>>>     level of the Java files.
>>>> Would you like to give it a shot at implementing such
>>>> feature in WrapITK ?
>>>> or, would you like at least to report this as a
>>>> "feature request" in the Bug tracker ?
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/my_view_page.php
>>> Dear Luis,
>>> I came to the same conclusion : one can generate the javadoc, but  
>>> it is not very useful without importing proper information from  
>>> the C++ doxygen comments.
>>> I may have to solve this issue for some of our needs, and in this  
>>> case I would of course be glad to contribute a new feature to  
>>> WrapITK. However, I am quite new to swig and WrapITK, so I would  
>>> need more information on how (and where) to start.
>> Hi Julien,
>> There is already a doc generator for python in WrapITK 0.3.0 - it  
>> puts the same doc as in doxygen in python docstrings. See the code in
>>  http://code.google.com/p/wrapitk/source/browse/#svn/trunk/ 
>> Languages/Doc
>> Unfortunately, javadoc does not use the same mechanisms and is not  
>> well integrated in swig.
>>  http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Java.html#javadoc_comments
>> Anyway, It should be possible to do something for java similar to  
>> what is done for python.
> Gaetan, Luis,
> In order to understand the process I tried to generate docstring for  
> python, but I did not manage to do it.
> In Guide.txt, it is said that one has to set the DOXYGEN_MAN_PATH  
> when configuring in cmake but I never get this variable and I can  
> not find the make_doxygen_config.py in Python directory in the  
> binary directory.
> I must have missed something, but what ? Doxygen is correctly found  
> on my system in WrapITK and ITK (I set BUILD_DOXYGEN to ON).
> Any idea ?

Hi Julien,

Sorry for the late reply,

Guide.txt is outdated. You have to turn on WRAP_ITK_DOC to build the  
python doc currently.

I'm afraid there is not much documentation about that for now. Please  
just call me if to dive in that subject - it may be easier to explain  
how it work that way.



Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr

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