[Insight-users] ~vnl_svd() {} misterious runtime error

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Apr 10 09:54:20 EDT 2010

Hi Osc,

Thanks for posting the details from your debugging session.

It looks like the "outSpacing" variable is not initialized correctly.

In a 3D image, this arrays is expected to have three elements.

We may have to go to your original code in order to trace the
problem. Could you post the code ?

Any chance that you can compile this with GCC ?
and run Valgrind on it ?

That will be an effective way of locating uninitialized variables...



On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Osc at r Math <olguna at cimat.mx> wrote:

>  Again Myself…
> I´ve been debugging and find that error starts on
> Command
> output->SetSpacing(outSpacing);
> Function
> template <typename TOutputImage>
> void VTKImageImport<TOutputImage>::GenerateOutputInformation()
> File
>                 itkVTKImageImport.txx
> Debugging information
>                 outSpacing is generated like:
>                                 typename TOutputImage::SpacingType
> outSpacing;
> This is the result by traspase inSpacing data
>                                 outSpacing: { ????, ????, ????, { 1, 1, 2 }
> };
>          {WSH?,WSH?,WSH?, { xSpacing,ySpacing,zSpacing } }.
>         WSH?:=What Suppose to be here?
> Those data passes to
> if( this->m_Spacing != spacing )  HERE m_Spacing=
>     {
>     this->m_Spacing = spacing;
>     this->ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices();
>     this->Modified();
>     }
> Command:         this->ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices();
> Function:            Void ImageBase<VImageDimension>::SetSpacing(const
> SpacingType & spacing )
> FILE:                      itkImageBase.txx
> Var Keeps:         spacing: { ????, ????, ????, { 1, 1, 2 } };
> Command:         this->Superclass::ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices();
> Function:            void Image<TPixel,
> VImageDimension>::ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices()
> FILE:                      itkImage.txx
> Var keeps:          m_Spacing: { ????, ????, ????, { 1, 1, 2 } }
> Command:         this->m_PhysicalPointToIndex =
> m_IndexToPhysicalPoint.GetInverse();
> Function:            void
> ImageBase<VImageDimension>::ComputeIndexToPhysicalPointMatrices()
> FILE:                      itkImageBase.txx
> Var keeps:          m_Spacing: { ????, ????, ????, { 1, 1, 2 } }
> Command:         vnl_matrix<T> temp = vnl_matrix_inverse<T>( m_Matrix );
> Function:            inline vnl_matrix_fixed<T,NColumns,NRows> GetInverse(
> void ) const
> FILE:                      itkMatrix.h
> Data keeps:       m_Matrix: { { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 2 } } }
> Command & Function:
> operator const vnl_matrix_ref<T>() const { return vnl_matrix_ref<T>(
> num_rows, num_cols, const_cast<T*>(data_block()) ); }
> *data_block: E2335 Overloaded 'vnl_matrix_fixed<double, 3, 3>::data_block'
> ambiguous in this context
> Command & Function:
> T const* data_block () const { return data_[0]; }
> DATA:   *data_: { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 2 }
> And so on, but I couldn´t  find the error…
> *De:* insight-users-bounces at itk.org [mailto:insight-users-bounces at itk.org]
> *En nombre de *Osc at r Math
> *Envia**do el:* Viernes, 09 de Abril de 2010 07:09 p.m.
> *Para:* insight-users at itk.org
> *Asunto:* [Insight-users] ~vnl_svd() {} misterious runtime error
> Hi All…!!!
> Recently I took back an ITK-VTK-BCB5 project, but as I know ITK & VTK
> improves, I decided to update those toolkits (by the way, congrats!!! For
> this big effort).
> Actually, compiled ITK 3.16 & VTK 5.4.2 Releases
> BCB 5 with Borland C++ compiler 5.5.
> Today I  get a runtime error that it’s pretty mysterious (at least for me)…
> The application reads a 3D image by VTK reader, show it by VTK
> renderization, send it to ITK pipeline, calculates partial derivatives &
> magnitude gradient, then save Dx, Dy, Dz & |V|.
> The image has a spacing, an origin, among others…
> When spacing is 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 there’s no problem, everything works fine,
> but if spacing changes anyone of those dimensions, application crashes.
> The application is capable to read image, show it, but when tries to
> connect VTKReader to ITKCaster (is first action with ITK) send an “Abnormal
> Program Termination”
> In Debug mode I realize that crashes trying to execute
> ~vnl_svd() {}
> In vnl_svd.h file and mark an error like:
> … Access violation at address XXXX …
> If continue debugging, crashes too in:
> ~vnl_diag_matrix() {}
> In vnl_diag_matrix.h file with similar error
> And finally throws an “Abnormal Program Termination”…
> I didn´t know why tries to invert a matrix that contains
> xSpacing     0                      0
>        0      ySpacing              0
>       0             0               zSpacing
> ¡¡¡ Someone could help me !!!
> TNX in advance
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> __________ Información de ESET Smart Security, versión de la base de firmas
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