[Insight-users] restrict level set filter to a non-rectangular region

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sat Apr 17 19:28:09 EDT 2010

Hi Somi,

The simplest way of restricting the level set to that
section will be to :

1) Mask the input image with the binary image that
    represents the red region.

2) Use the RegionOfInterestImageFilter in order to extract
    from that masked image the region corresponding to
    the bounding box of the red region.

3) Use the resulting smaller image as the input for the

Most regions in ITK are specified in terms of rectangular
regions whose walls are parallel to the axis of the image.



On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:31 PM, somi <seesomi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> a) Is is possible to restrict the growth of level set filter to a user
> defined volume ?
>     For example, in the attached CT image, if a seed point is put at the
> blue cross point, and we want to grow a region only in the cylindrical
> reddish region specified by the user,
>    can we restrict the region growing only to that region ? I want to
> minimize calculations and memory utilization
> b) Can we apply an ITK  filter only to specific non-rectangular region (
> like the conical region in the attached image ) ?
> Thanks,
> Somi
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