[Insight-users] Smoothing an image by a sliding ball or paraboloid.

Richard Beare richard.beare at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 07:02:51 EDT 2010

I've submitted a suite of parabolic morphology tools to the insight journal :


be sure to fetch the latest version from the repository referenced in the paper.

On 4/22/10, Roman Grothausmann <roman.grothausmann at helmholtz-berlin.de> wrote:
> Dear mailing list members,
> To prevent a gradient decent filter from stopping at an insignificant
> local minimum I'd like a ball of some radius to roll over the intensity
> profile of an image. The result I'm interested in is the trace of the
> ball (or paraboloid) centre while the ball is rolling.
> I think this is equivalent to smoothing the image with such a rolling
> ball filter as this ImageJ filter:
> http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/docs/menus/process.html#background
> And then tracing the gradient decent as is done in the Random access
> iteration example in the user guide.
> So I wonder now is there a filter in ITK for image smoothing that works
> by simulating a sliding ball or paraboloid like the imageJ filter?
> Any help is very much appreciated
> Roman
> --
> Roman Grothausmann
> Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
> Bereich Funktionale Materialien
> Institut für angewandte Materialforschung
> Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
> D-14109 Berlin	
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> Fax.: +49-(0)30-8062-3059
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> Stellvertretende Vorsitzende: Dr. Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph
> Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Anke Rita Kaysser-Pyzalla, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
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