[Insight-users] wrap_itk, python, and dicom

Mario Ceresa mrceresa at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 10:11:29 EDT 2010

Hello David!
I use 3.16 as well. I think the difference might be the version of
wrapitk. The one that comes with itk is outdated. The newest one can
be found at:


Please let me know if that solves your problem,


On 26 April 2010 17:33, David Fuentes <fuentesdt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Cool. thank you very much Mario!
> What version of ITK are you using ?
> my GetKeys() is just returning a string
> print metad.GetKeys()
> '_30a1941b00000000_p_std__vectorTstd__basic_stringTchar_std__char_traitsTchar_t_std__allocatorTchar_t_t_std__allocatorTstd__basic_stringTchar_std__char_traitsTchar_t_std__allocatorTchar_t_t_t_t'
> I am using ITK 3.16.
> thanks again,
> df
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, Mario Ceresa wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> Which kind of information do you need to extract from the dicom header?
>> Basic info such as the dimensions or spacing are already available in
>> the getter methods of the image object (ex. image.GetSpacing() ).
>> To access the full dictionary my first thought was something like:
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> import itk
>> reader = itk.ImageFileReader.ISS3.New(FileName='test_image.dcm')
>> reader.Update()
>> metad = reader.GetMetaDataDictionary()
>> print "List of all the key in the dictionary:"
>> print [str(key) for key in metad.GetKeys()]
>> print "Print the dictionary"
>> metad.Print(itk.cout)
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> I can see the list of all the keys, but instead of printing their
>> value, the last method only shows:
>> Then I realized that gdcm comes with python binding itself. It might
>> be easier to read the dicom tag using directly those bindings.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Mario
>> On 22 April 2010 18:15, David Fuentes <fuentesdt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Is there an example python script showing how to extract header
>>> information
>>> from a dicom file using the wrapper functions ?
>>> thank you,
>>> David
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