[Insight-users] automatic segmentation of bone in legs: which filter most suitable?

marco giordano marco.giord at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 11:30:37 EST 2010

Hi michiel,

I am also involved in solving a similar problem so I am interested in any
possible solution.

I did not look at the values but it seems that the bones are well delimited
and also quite homogeneous.
If you can specify a seed easily (e.g by looking at the histogram) I would
try with region growing first. The problem might be that the segmented
region overgrows if the borders are not sharp.

Also watersheds should work but It will give you a complete segmentation,
then you should select the region by yourself.

Level sets may also be an option but it might be too much for this case.

I would be curious to see the results, please share any experience.


2010/1/12 michiel mentink <michael.mentink at st-hughs.ox.ac.uk>

>>> The images are made with MRI.
>>> You can see the two bones in the middle.
>>> Michael
>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 3:10 PM, siqi chen <siqichensc at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> If you can post one sample image, that would be helpful to determine
>>>> which filter is the appropriate one.
>>>> Siqi
>>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:08 AM, michiel mentink <
>>>> michael.mentink at st-hughs.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Does anyone have experience with or know which segmentation algorithm
>>>>> can be used
>>>>> best for segmenting bones in a knee?
>>>>> There are about 100 pages of segmentation algorithms in the ITK
>>>>> software guide..
>>>>> I have a DICOM volume I want to segment into a binary (labeled) volume
>>>>> and ultimately
>>>>> convert to a surface mesh of the individual bones.
>>>>> thanks, Michael
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Marco G.
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