[Insight-users] automatic segmentation of bone in legs: which filter most suitable?
michiel mentink
michael.mentink at st-hughs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jan 14 05:59:24 EST 2010
I was playing around yesterday with the slice I posted to this thread.
When placing one single seed, you can find the bone rather well, but there
is a big risk that the region spills over into the tissue surrounding the
I haven't experimented yet with placing multiple seeds.
If you look at the picture, you can see that the area surrounding the
cartilage is delimiting the bone very well, but the side of the bone does
not produce
sharp edges in the edge detect filter bit of this segmentation algorithm.
Also, I only tried one slice, and actually, I'd like to segment a complete
3D volume of the bone. That means I have to place multiple seeds along the
bone and figure out some set of parameters that produces good results for
every slice.
I'm a bit weary about this type of segmentation but I'll continue
experimenting with it. Please let me know if you have
regarding this.
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:30 PM, marco giordano <marco.giord at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi michiel,
> I am also involved in solving a similar problem so I am interested in any
> possible solution.
> I did not look at the values but it seems that the bones are well delimited
> and also quite homogeneous.
> If you can specify a seed easily (e.g by looking at the histogram) I would
> try with region growing first. The problem might be that the segmented
> region overgrows if the borders are not sharp.
> Also watersheds should work but It will give you a complete segmentation,
> then you should select the region by yourself.
> Level sets may also be an option but it might be too much for this case.
> I would be curious to see the results, please share any experience.
> Regards
> 2010/1/12 michiel mentink <michael.mentink at st-hughs.ox.ac.uk>
>>>> The images are made with MRI.
>>>> You can see the two bones in the middle.
>>>> Michael
>>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 3:10 PM, siqi chen <siqichensc at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> If you can post one sample image, that would be helpful to determine
>>>>> which filter is the appropriate one.
>>>>> Siqi
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:08 AM, michiel mentink <
>>>>> michael.mentink at st-hughs.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> Does anyone have experience with or know which segmentation algorithm
>>>>>> can be used
>>>>>> best for segmenting bones in a knee?
>>>>>> There are about 100 pages of segmentation algorithms in the ITK
>>>>>> software guide..
>>>>>> I have a DICOM volume I want to segment into a binary (labeled) volume
>>>>>> and ultimately
>>>>>> convert to a surface mesh of the individual bones.
>>>>>> thanks, Michael
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> --
> Marco G.
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