[Insight-users] Recommendation of algorithms for liver vessel extraction

Moti Freiman freiman at cs.huji.ac.il
Mon Jun 21 15:57:40 EDT 2010

i recommend you to enhance the image with a vesselness enhancement
filter which is available in ITK prior to the region growing method.
The vesselness filter doc is on:

and the enhancement with it described in:
http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/314 with itk based

There are several papers deal with this problem. google "liver vessels
segmentation"  will yield my paper among others. Recent work was
published in Medical Image Analysis (see: Baur et al, "Segmentation of
interwoven 3d tubular tree structures utilizing shape priors and graph
cuts", Medical Image Analysis 14 (2010) 172–184)

There is also existing software tools like Hepa-Vision from Mevis that
should do the work.

Good luck,

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Xiaopeng Yang <yxp233 at postech.ac.kr> wrote:
> Dear ITK users,
> I tried to apply region growing algorithm (connected threshold) to extract
> portal vein, hepatic vein, and artery in liver from CT image. However, since
> the intensity values of those three vessels are similar to each other, the
> connected threshold algorithm cannot separately extract those three vessels,
> furthermore, other organs are also extracted.
> Does anyone of you have good ideas about this problem? Are there other
> better segmentation algorithms to extract the three vessels separately?
> Thank you for your help!
> Best,
> Xiaopeng
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Moti Freiman, Ph.D Student.
Medical Image Processing and Computer-Assisted Surgery Laboratory.
School of Computer Science and Engineering.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Phone: +(972)-2-658-5371 (laboratory)
WWW site: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~freiman

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