[Insight-users] Slice order comes wrong when reading a DICOM files (one slice per file) to form a volume
Desikachari Nadadur
dnadadur at intio.us
Mon Jun 21 18:07:15 EDT 2010
Hi All,
I searched the forum but I could not find any answer to my question. So,
I am posting here.
When reading a set of CT DICOM files (with one file per slice) to form a
volume, the slice ordering comes out wrong for some datasets. This also
seems system dependent. For example the same dataset works on FreeBSD
8.0 and fails on Debian (Stable) Linux. Here "fails" means wrong order
of slices. Also, the ordering seems to coincide with the filename
ordering on the disk in these failed cases. When I do "ls -f" on these
systems, FreeBSD 8.0 shows all the files with disk ordering coinciding
with volume's slice ordering. However, on Debian Linux, it is not the
case. 99% of the time I am able to successfully read the datasets even
if the file ordering on the disk is not the volume slice ordering. Looks
like I am not using a much needed DICOM tag in getting the slice
ordering correct. Here is the code segment where I call
AddSeriesRestriction () to set the tags to base sorting upon while
reading the series of files. There is no sorting based on InstanceNumber
and I did not know how to implement it here. I am using ITK 3.14.0 with
GDCM 2.0.12. Any suggestions to fix this problem would be appreciated.
ITKNamesGeneratorType :: Pointer nameGenerator =
ITKNamesGeneratorType ::
nameGenerator->SetUseSeriesDetails( true );
// We want to add two more criteria for sorting
// * 0008|0021 Series
// * 0020|0012 Acquisition
// using the call to
nameGenerator->AddSeriesRestriction( "0008|0021" ); // DA 1
Series Date
nameGenerator->AddSeriesRestriction( "0020|0012" ); //
Acquisition Number
nameGenerator->SetDirectory( filename
typedef std :: vector< std :: string >
const SeriesIdContainer & seriesUID =
std :: string
seriesIdentifier = seriesUID.begin()->c_str();
typedef std :: vector< std :: string >
fileNames = nameGenerator->GetFileNames( seriesIdentifier
class ITKSeriesReaderType :: Pointer itkReader =
ITKSeriesReaderType :: New();
itkReader->SetImageIO( itkGdcmImageIO
itkReader->SetFileNames( fileNames
Thanks in advance,
Desikachari Nadadur, PhD
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